QC Player

Streamline your video review & approval process with Telestream's leading QC player solution.

Harness the power of GLIM, our advanced media tool for efficient remote collaboration.

Playback, QC and clipping multi-gigabyte video content from anywhere

Share, edit, review, and approve video content - all from a single solution.


Faster approvals and fewer revisions with remote teams.

Markup, review, and approve video content with remote production teams.

QC content with ease

Perform visual qc and collaborate with remote teams with proxyless playback.

Playback any file,
even as it’s growing

Playback and edit growing files, including any container, codec, resolution, fps, audio channel, and color space combination.

Better collaboration

Enable seamless team collaboration, aligning content with technical standards and creative vision using efficient annotations.

Streamlined workflows

Simplify media workflows and boost remote collaboration efficiency with our intuitive, browser-based clipping and in-depth media file inspection. 

Transform your media processing workflows


Comprehensive remote production and distribution

Enhance your Vantage workflow with QC Player

Clipping and Inspections is designed to complement the Vantage ecosystem, offering precise media analysis and editing capabilities that bolster efficiency and accuracy in media workflows. 

Works with

Supporting content owners,  producers, and distributors

“Prior to introducing Telestream GLIM into our workflow, asset compliance checks were taking far too long, putting our client’s projects at risk. GLIM provides our operators the ability to simply navigate to an asset, click it and review it without delay.”

Craig Russill-Roy

Chief Operating Officer


“Adopting GLIM into our infrastructure was an easy decision because it’s built on the same Telestream Media Framework. Anything we can play in GLIM, we can process in Vantage”

Dennis Rondeau

Broadcast Technologist


Enter the new era of remote production

Products A–Z

Media Processing & Workflow Automation

Video Test & Synchronization

Video Quality Monitoring & Analytics

Cloud Services

Production & Streaming

Enterprise Capture & Streaming

Virtual Events & Video Hosting

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